The 2017 Annual General Meeting
The 2017 Annual General Meeting of Corsham ASC will be held on Sunday 19th November at The Springfield Community Campus, Tippett Room commencing at 5:30pm
This is a very important meeting, so please come along for a say in the future running of your club, plus an opportunity to discuss your child’s progress with the Club’s coaching team.
Parents/guardians of swimmers in Widths, TAGS and Juniors are especially encouraged to attend.
The Club runs entirely through volunteers, and whilst not everyone can commit time on a regular basis, we would appreciate your attendance at this short annual meeting for the club to continue to function. Last year we struggled to reach a quorum and had to hold a further meeting. Also, we were perilously close to having to move to close the club down as we struggled to find volunteers to fill key roles on the Executive Committee.
At this meeting, we would like to present an updated Club Constitution which needs to be approved through a vote by those attending the AGM.
An agenda will be published to the club website in due course. Minutes from the 2016 AGM and a draft copy of the proposed Revised Club Constitution is available to read via this link :
Several key members of the Executive Committee (which meets between 4 and 6 times a year) are standing down so here is your chance to step up and take on a role for 12 months, or maybe more!
All Club Officers and Executive Committee positions are subject to annual election and these are:
- t
- Chair
- Vice Chair
- Secretary
- Assistant Secretary
- Treasurer
- Head Coach
- Competition Secretary
- Membership Secretary
- Executive Committee members (3)
- Social Committee members (3)
- Masters Representative
Please note that although all positions are subject to re-election, the incumbents in the positions of Vice Chair and Secretary, are standing down, and the Assistant Secretary and Swim Mark (formerly known as Swim21) co-ordinator are unfilled, so please consider standing.
Committee Roles descriptions are available to view.
The ASA has also produced some ‘Good Club Guides’ to outline the typical duties of each post; they are available from
If you would like further details or a chat about any position then please speak to any of the current committee or email [email protected] or [email protected]
To put yourself forward please email [email protected] saying which post you are interested in, ideally at least 14 days before the date of the AGM, i.e. by Sunday 5th November.
More generally we always welcome additional help with administrative tasks or helping on poolside or at events, so please say if you would be willing to volunteer, even if only for a limited period.
Finally, if you would like to raise a matter for discussion at the AGM, please submit full details at least 21 days before the AGM, i.e. by Sunday 29th October to [email protected]