We will be actively seeking to allocate people to at least one desk session. With the support of the committee, Sonia Smithers, Ella’s Mum, has very kindly offered to co-ordinate the desk rota and will be reaching out to you all to ensure the rota is fully populated weeks in advance. Please be prepared to say yes and do not take offence when asked, to do your bit for the club and ultimately YOUR child.
If we cannot secure enough cover for the desk then the club will have little choice but to replace the Green Card system for TAGS, Juniors, Seniors and Masters with a monthly payment system. It should be noted that when the motion to change to direct debit and monthly standing charges was tabled at the 2017 AGM a significant number of members attended to express their wish to retain the Green Card system, and indeed that was a reason why some chose Corsham as other clubs do not offer these flexible payment terms.
If we are to retain the Green Card system, then we must have a manned desk. Please email [email protected] to offer your help, stating which days and sessions you are available to cover ASAP.