Masters swimming is competitive swimming for men and women aged at least 25 years. Competitions are normally organised in 5 year age bands i.e. 25-29, 30-34 etc, swimming all the main strokes, just as in club swimming.
Since the first UK open masters competition in 1972, this branch of the sport has grown dramatically and competitions are held at all levels from Club, County and District, to national, international and world events. Masters swimming is a more social activity than the open and age group events. Competitions provide opportunities to meet old friends and rivals as well as just proving to yourself how fit you really are and having a personal goal to aim for.
The 19-24 age group is now becoming popular in county and national competitions.
We have a welcoming Masters Squad with swimmers of all ages from 25 and older. Their main training night is Wednesdays, plus a few who train on Saturday or Sunday morning. Some of the squad enjoy entering local, regional and even national Masters events, whilst others are happy to use their membership as a way of exercising and socialising.
We are always pleased to hear of new Masters swimmers so please use the Contact Us form, to get in touch and perhaps join for a trial session.