Most of the Club’s coaching takes place at the Springfield Campus in Corsham but there is also water time at Bath University, a splendid place for swimmers to gain experience of a 50 metre pool, and St Marys Sports Centre pool in Calne.

For those sessions marked * as “by invitation only”, swimmers may not attend unless invited to do so. Please see a coach for more information.

Regular Springfield Centre/Bath/Calne training sessions are listed in the table below. Apart from the Learn to Swim group, swimmers can attend multiple sessions for their training group, e.g. Juniors can swim on any/all of Sunday, Monday and Saturday. Please ask your coach for advice.

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Learn to Swim 3.00-3.30pm Corsham 6.00-6.30pm Corsham
Development  3.30-4.15pm Corsham 6.30-7.15pm Corsham
Juniors 7.15-8.30pm Corsham 7.30-9.00pm Calne* 8.00-9.00pm Corsham* 8.00-9.00am Corsham
Seniors 4.15-6.00pm Corsham 7.30-9.00pm Bath* 7:30-9.00pm Calne* 8.00-9.00pm Corsham
Masters 8.00-9.00am Corsham 7.30-8.30pm /8.30-9.30pm Calne* 8.00-9.00pm Corsham 8.00-9.00am Corsham

* The Bath, Calne and Friday 8 pm Junior sessions are strictly at the invitation of the Head Coach.